Thursday, March 26, 2009

Diary for 25th of March 2009

After the retreat at Chin Swee Temple, I came to Kuala Lumpur Karma Kagyu Dharma Society for some teaching programme as scheduled. Karma Kagyu Dharma Society in KL was started by His Holiness the 16th Karmapa and it is the main centre for the whole of Malaysia. I have known most of the members and devotees for a long time, there were some new members which I met for the first time during this visit.

I gave a teaching on the subject of how to develop Bodhichitta for two nights and the audience was mainly English speaking but there was a mandarin translator also. I started explaining the subject of Bodhichitta from the 7 instructions on cause and result which are:

1. Recognizing sentient beings as having been our mothers before
2. Remembering the kindness they have shown us
3. Showing gratitude towards the kindness
4 . Delight in the loving attitude towards mother sentient beings
5. Showing compassion towards their sufferings
6. Selfless motivation to liberate sentient beings
7. Generation of Bodhichitta

I explained in detail on the second day about aspiration and application Bodhichitta and how to integrate application Bodhichitta with the six paramitas (perfections). I explained the first to the third paramita in detail but did not have much time for the last three. So I told them I will explain the last three to them next time when I visit.

For the past retreat at Chin Swee Temple, I noticed that many devotees gave feed backs and comments. It was really touching to me that they expressed their joy towards the retreat and I think it was a great retreat, very meaningful even though it is a short period. Vicky and her husband conceptualized and organized the event and Samantha and her team of people from Malaysia made the arrangements. They have worked day and night to materialize this event and their hard work has had a fruitful result.

There was a comment in my blog which expressed negativity towards Dharma Centres, so I would like to reply to the author regarding this.

The person wrote:
Rinpoche said "Working for the centre is not an easy task if one does not integrate this with Dharma practice." Sometimes a Dharma centre may appear more worldly and has more politics compared to a secular office.

I think that the Dharma Centre is the best place for a practitioner to develop their practice as it has everything that a practitioner needs. There are teachers who teach the Dharma and guide people in their path and there is a good atmosphere partly due to the inspiration from the representations of the Buddha Dharma. There are also many Dharma friends from whom we can ask for help. Many of these Dharma friends are also learning, so they can be good companions for us when we learn the Dharma. There are also some people there who are in need or do not behave well or are unpleasant, to whom we can try out our practice of generosity, morality and patience. So where else can one practitioner get everything in one place? Some people just look for pure land on earth but it will be impossible to find it if we ourselves are not pure and are carrying tons of defilements. One day, if we have perfected all our development of the six paramitas, then we don’t need to look for pure land elsewhere; pure land will be present wherever we are due to the pure state of our mind.

So people who come to Dharma Centres for learning or to help at Dharma Centres should think positively as the Dharma Centre is the right place to develop all the qualities of Dharma and therefore one should be mindful in the application of Dharma towards whatever is happening. This way, whatever surrounds us becomes immensely helpful to us; both good and bad situations contribute a lot to our practice to attain enlightenment.

Now my programme in KL is ending and tomorrow I will be arriving in Singapore.
Finally, I just want to say thanks to all the members of KL Karma Kagyu Dharma Society as they are so hospitable and my short stay is very comfortable.


Karma Mingjur Wangchuk said...

Dear Rinpoche.
It is really a very nice program you have in Singapore.
We hope very much Rinpoche can find time to visit Denmark and give The Buddha Dharma here.
Best regards Clause

Anonymous said...

Dear Rinpoche,
Thanks for the explaination on Dharma Center as "a place that has everything a practitioner needs". It's unfortunately that we often hear negative comments about centers - so if a center is a source of negativities, then why would HH 16th Karmapa who possessed great compassion established one?

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Rinpoche's views on Dharma centre. I came into Karma Kagyud by chance when I was searching for a place to learn buddhism. After volunteering in many activities within KKBC Singapore, I came to a conclusion that where else can I really learn about Dharma? It's true that politics is very well alive in all places. While volunteering, I came across many different dharma brothers and sisters. One the surface, some are very nice while some are very challenging. I drilled down into the segmented behaviour of most of them and realised that every single one of our dharma brothers and sisters are actually doing their best to contribute to the good of dharma propagation. Wow! This is really an excellent place for us to make realisations of what we learn from dharma talks and teachings. We need to take a step back and ask why do these excellent contributions from everyone so different? It's actually a very simple concept...everyone of us have different level of dharma awareness and each of us are like snowflakes with very different value systems. So, I encourage each of us to use our dharma learnings on bodhichitta and look on the bright side of life. We will realise that we are so fortunate to have the opportunity to learn so much within 1 place. A one-stop centre of real life dharma learning.

I feel so very blessed to have come into KKBC and to have the opportunity to learn so much from my compassionate guru Ven Shangpa Rinpoche.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rinpoche,

I am new to KKBC and Tibetan tradition but my Dharma friends at the centre have been encouraging me to come, even to meet u in person. Since then, I have been enthusiastically checking on your blog every night and waiting for your new updates.

To me, a Dharma centre is very important because it is a place where good kalyana mittas (Dharma friends) come together and support each other. Buddha has said that we must associate with the wise and avoid the fools. With the support of Dharma friends & teachers, we gain faith and help each other along the path when we fall. At the lowest point of my life, I 'retreated' to a Dharma Centre to stay and it was there that my Dharma friends & teachers supported me, gave me encouragement and pulled me up again. Back in Singapore, Dharma friends invited me to KKBC, join life liberation activities, and many times, gave words of encouragement which touched me greatly. All these brought meaning to my life again. And having been to KKBC a few times, I have seen visitors who came to seek solace and consult with Rinpoche for problems in their lives. A Dharma centre is so so so important for one who has faith and others who lost their faith. So, Dharma workers out there, please rejoice in the good work you are doing. You do not know how much comfort you are directly or indirectly bringing to sentient beings out there.


zen said...

Dear Rinpoche,

I agree with the above comment, I believe that a Dhamma center is we not only a place where we can seek solace and find "true friends".

It is also a place to learn and share, to practice restrain, mindfullness, generosity and compassion. It is never tainted with negativities.

A Dhamma center is a place of transformation, and ultimately each of us would be able to establish one in our hearts.

If all are us follow the Buddhas teachings closely, any place would be pure and any time would be auspicious.

The kindness of the Karmapa, Shangpa Rinpoche and the Great Vows that they made to liberate us should not be forgotten, it should be held as the most precious gift and we should feel a great sense of gratitude towards our great teachers, our gurus.

Without a Dhamma Center, our views would never be corrected, our practice would never progress. We would never be able to liberate from this cycle of birth and death.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rinpoche,

Sorry to say that i was a bit late in my response referring to the retreat in Genting Highlands and the dharma teachings that rinpoche conducted recently.

Rinpoche had given very precious and meaningful teachings during the retreat and also the teachings at KKDS KL. The contents of the teachings does enlighten us on the right method to practice dharma and to appreciate the negative activities and forces surronding us which in turn allow us to practice with patience, tolerance and wisdom. Without this negativity, we do not have the opportunity to practice and test our ability. We will always remember to practice with wisdom, kindness and compassionate in order to benefit oneself and others to lead a happier and quality life. I hope rinpoche could at least make it a yearly affair to conduct retreat and teachings in Malaysia and we at KKDS felt blessed to have rinpoche with us.

I also noticed that the dharma brothers and sisters who helped out in the preparation for the retreat at Genting Highlands were really dedicated and without them, the retreat would not be so successful - same goes to Vicky and her husband. I truly look forward to more retreats, giving us a chance to be away from our busy working life.

Mrs Chan

Anonymous said...


A bit late but hope to say my bits. A Dharma Center is a place to practice Buddha's Teaching. It is not a place for comment whether it is bad or good. There are various sentient beings going there with various agenda. It cannot be help because we all came with defilements. However what Rinpoche said is right, it is a place where you get guidance and practice with people of the same mind.

I always warn myself that I must not be drawn into politcs in a Dharma Center. There bounds to be. Be respectful to your Guru because he is there and he should be able to clear your doubt if any.

I remember Rinpoche said in our retreat at Chin Swee Temple, that all adversities allow us to practice and we should be thankful.

Thank you Rinpoche and stay well!

With metta
from Metta