Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The story of the 1st Shangpa Rinpoche: Part II

The name Shangpa Rinpoche was not given to the 1st Shangpa Rinpoche by any Lama. His actual name was Losang Chophel but people addressed him as Shangpa Rinpoche so it became his name. This name is derived from his birth place, “Shang”, which is in central Tibet. It was the birth place of many great masters in the past, most notably, Khedrup Khyungpo Naljor, the Shangpa Kagyu lineage founder was born there and established his lineage there. Shangpa Rinpoche was born in the year 1879. His parents' names are not known but their family name is called Trungkhang. He is the second son amongst three sons. His elder brother is Lhagyal and the nickname of his younger brother is Aku Chungchung. During his childhood, he already had great interest towards visiting Buddhist temples and paying respect towards Buddhist statues. He was also very compassionate in nature. When people used sticks or stones to hit domestic animals, he cried as if he himself had been beaten.

At a very tender age he wished to become a monk. His parents found it difficult to object as he was so insistent and they brought him to a nearby monastery called Dechen Monastery; which is a Gelugpa monastery under the Tashi Lhunpo administration. He started to learn everything that a monk needed to learn, such as reading and writing; memorizing texts; rituals and eventually philosophy teachings. These studies continued until he was 24 years old. Due to his diligence and wisdom and especially his strict observance of Vinaya vows, everybody addressed him as Shangpa Gelong (Bhikshu).

He was recommended to further his studies at a bigger institute where he could obtain a Geshe Degree. But he started to think that it may not be meaningful for him to become famous. Instead, he thought how nice it would be if he could find a good spiritual master who would guide him in the example of Milarepa so that he could accomplish inner realization.

So one night, he quietly escaped from his monastery and went all the way to Tsurphu where His Holiness the 15th Karmapa, Khakhyab Dorje resided. His Holiness the 15th Karmapa became his root Guru and he received from him and other Gurus empowerments and instructions of many Kagyu and Nyingma practices, such as Rinchen Terdzo empowerments and instructions in the methods of practices. He spent many years receiving teachings and practicing at Tsurphu. He then went to west Tibet, visited Mount Kailash and did a retreat there.

Tomorrow I will write more about his experience during his retreat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Rinpoche,

Thank you for that inspiring story of your previous life... really thank you...

yours in the Dharma,

Dani (Coruña - Spain)